transformative consultation that empowers individuals and businesses to cultivate a powerful mindset that harmonizes their purpose and profitability in the realm of marketing
The Marketing Mindset: Aligning Purpose and Profit
The Marketing Mindset: Aligning Purpose and Profit
This consultation is designed to guide participants in understanding that marketing is not just about selling products or services, but also about creating meaningful connections and making a positive impact on their target audience.

During this consultation, we delve deep into the core values and purpose that drive your business, helping you uncover the unique story and mission behind your brand. By aligning your purpose with your marketing strategies, you will discover how to authentically connect with your audience, build trust, and create long-lasting relationships.
Years of experience in marketing, launching experts and businesses
Clients launched their purposful businesses after only one consultation
The time it usually takes for you to recoup the consultation cost and see initial results
1 week
My method will help you with:
Clarity on Goals:
Gain a clear understanding of your personal and professional goals by aligning your marketing mindset with your purpose, paving the way for focused efforts.
Strategic Positioning:
Learn how to strategically position yourself in the market, aligning your purpose and profit objectives for a more impactful and sustainable business approach.
Identifying Strengths:
Discover and leverage your strengths as a marketer, ensuring that your unique skills contribute to both your personal fulfillment and business success.
Niche Expertise:
Develop expertise in a niche that resonates with your purpose, allowing you to stand out in a crowded market and attract the right audience.
Effective Messaging:
Craft marketing messages that authentically communicate your purpose, fostering stronger connections with your audience and driving meaningful engagement.
Balancing Purpose and Profit:
Learn practical strategies for balancing purpose-driven initiatives with profitability, creating a sustainable business model that aligns with your values.
Who is this consultation suitable for?
For all professionals looking to promote their expertise online in social media.
For psychologists, coaches, doctors of various specialties, bloggers.
Tarot readers, theta healing practitioners, subconscious mind workers, astrologers, numerologists, yoga instructors, meditation teachers.
For anyone with knowledge in unique practices who is unsure how to promote it and monetize it.
For anyone seeking to find their unique positioning and niche, discover their passion.
For those searching for their true calling.
For those employed full-time
For those employed full-time seeking an opportunity to create additional income, express themselves, and develop beyond the confines of their current company.
What does the consultation include?
Zoom call
The consultation takes place on Zoom and lasts 1.5 to 2 hours.
Before the consultation, it is necessary to fill out a detailed questionnaire. This is required for me to understand your specific goal for this meeting.
In my consultation, I apply coaching techniques, meditations, and psychological methods to achieve the maximum result.
What results will you get?
Development strategy for your professional growth.
Increased interest from your audience as an expert in your niche.
Discover your unique talents and strengths
Learning how to manage and promote your blog and services with pleasure.
Monetization of your services
Income strategy
It will help you find and understand your passion and purpose. (In all honesty... on your own... this may never happen.)
1-1 session
Month plan
(1,5 - 2 hours consultation in Zoom)
1 consultation (1,5 - 2 hours) + 3 consultations (1 hour each) during the month
* The first free diagnostic consultation is mandatory within this plan.
£ 360
£ 1440 .
£ 680
Choose the best for yourself
"Her energy allows you to feel calm and vulnerable at the same time"
"If you are like me and need some clarity in your life or even just feel you need a shift then Olga is where you should best spend your time, energy and money"
"During her sessions she creates a very non'-judge mental and compassionate space"
"She is helped me to uncover so many limiting beliefs
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